Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bring your Bros to Brogan's

I've been to Garcia Brogan's on two separate occasions in the past weeks and I think those brief, albeit hazy, recollections can combine to form a decent bar review.

My combination of experiences is fitting for a Bar known for being a hybrid of Mexican and Irish. The food, drinks and atmosphere all conform to this duality of cultures. I'm not a picky drink, so Mexican tequila and Irish whiskey both hold appeal, but I was impressed by the interior.

Garcia Brogan's is a fusion of Mexican and Irish themes.
Separated into two halves, Brogan's boasts a Irish style pub with an island bar flanked by TV's along with a Mexican themed cantina that offers more of an open dance area. I thought this was a cool and creative idea.

Unlike my trips to the gritty bars such as Finn's and Charlie's, Brogan's was much more of a college oriented establishment. The crowd was vibrant, engaged and lacking the underlying signs of broken spirit that come with living in Lowell for too long.

In terms of price, the key at Brogan's is to find the chink in their armor. And that chink comes in the form of PBR. While a Coor's Light on draft cost upwards of $5, the old stand-by, PBR, was only $2.50. Naturally, I found this opening and worked it to the fullest, ordering three PBR's while watching some MLB playoff games. Brogan's is definitely a good place to bring some friends to watch some sports or play some trivia games (which they do every Wednesday).

Overall, Brogan's occupies a unique position of being a college bar without being a "party" bar. In my eyes it maintains a level of classiness that separates from convoluted  drunkenness and hook-up heaviness that occur when a bunch of college students congregate in the same place.

Cheapness: 2.5
Beer Selection: 3
Atmosphere: 4
General Crowd: 3.5
Romantic Potential: 3.5

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